Project Athletics 4 Health is the answer to problems raised by researchers in EU and all around the world showing that our societies getting less and less active. All previous actions hasn’t achieved set goals. One of the suggestions is that we need to encourage bigger, national-wide organizations to get involved.
All our organizations realize projects for kids and youth which are focused on enhancing participation in physical activity.
This is what we do…..
Lekkoatletyka dla każdego! (Athletics for everyone) – Poland

For many years, the Polish Athletics Association has been involved in the promotion of physical activity. Since 2014, we provide the Athletics for Everyone! Project, which is complementary to school activities. It is aimed at children aged 7-16 and based on proven formulas, developed for the first time by IAAF, and propagated under the name Athletics for kids. In 2020, we had almost 600 coaches employed and over 10,000 children participated in regular classes throughout Poland.
The advantages of the Athletics for Everyone! are:
- Free of charge regular sports activities,
- Nationwide coverage,
- Use of existing sport infrastructure,
- Using the knowledge of experienced PZLA trainers (over 600 people),
- Increasing the activity of local sports organizations (clubs, associations),
- Popularizing athletics among children and adolescents aged 7-15 years,
As part of the Project, promotional activities are also conducted to increase interest in physical activity and healthy eating.
Website –
Detska Atletika (Children’s Athletics)- Slovakia

The Slovak Athletics federation came up with the Children’s Athletics project in 2015 with the aim of captivating children with athletics, giving them the opportunity to train with modern aids and experience athletics with a game until they fully compete in “big” athletics. The project draws attention mainly to children aged 5-11, to the age group to which minimal attention has previously been paid.
The project can be implemented in primary schools as well as in extracurricular activities in various sports clubs. Running, jumping, throwing and walking are the basic locomotions of a person and their proper management creates a precondition for the proper development of every child.
The main goal of the project is to offer parents and their children a new opportunity to develop motor skills in the form of regular year-round sports activities. The project has a nationwide scope and the ambition of SAF is to involve the maximum number of primary schools (elementary schools) and sports clubs in the project, at the moment about 140 clubs in which an athletics club will take place. The long- term goal of the project is to provide parents with the opportunity to find an “athletic kindergarten” in every corner of Slovakia.
During the year, Children’s Athletics prepares various competitions for children, such as: Children’s cross-country running of mixed relays, Spajky’s Regional Cup, Children’s P-T-S, Children’s Relay League and with the help of regional coordinators we also organize a number of promo events and competitions, where coaches and children are just getting acquainted with children’s athletics.
Website –
Nestle for Healthier Kids – Finland

Finnish Athletics Federation provides many actions for promotion physical activity for kids and youth. The main actions are:
- Elovena Power Day – Athletic Day in Primary Schools,
- Youth Athletics Games (YAG) is the biggest youth competition for 9 to 17 years old (in three days over 2000 participants)
- Nestle for Healthier Kids afternoon clubs
- 20 afternoon clubs all around Finland
- Ten times each afternoon clubs, 60 minutes athletics + 15 minutes nutrition
- Sports clubs lead afternoon clubs
- Activity challenge for all elementary schools (nutrition, sports activities)
Website –
Leichtathletik in der Schule (Athletics in School) – Austria
The ÖLV cooperation project “Athletics in School” has established itself very successfully with this content and guidelines. If one gives the elementary forms of movement of running, throwing and jumping an adequate place in this life segment, important basic requirements can be prepared for a lifelong motivation to do sports as well as for a potential athletics career.
Comprehensive educational perspectives are:
- Leading towards performance, understanding and assessing
- Promote health, develop health awareness
- Ability to work in a team, experience competitions together
- Express yourself physically, create movement
- Develop body awareness and body experience, expand experience of movement
- Risk, take responsibility
Additional Information: The cooperation project “Athletics in School” of the ÖLV with the BMUKK and the German Athletics Association has been running since June 2008. The goal is the nationwide training of teachers as athletics multipliers in schools, who in turn pass on practical knowledge to colleagues and trainers through teacher training in the federal states.
The Austrian Athletics Association offers the two-part brochure on the subject of athletics in schools.
Website –
Kids Athletics – Bulgaria
As of 2013, Bulgarian Athletic Federation develops numerous Kids Athletics (by World Athletics) initiatives for kids aged 7-12 years old and Athletics for Youths for youngsters aged 13-18. The core idea, around which the initiatives circulate and are developing, is promoting athletics amongst the younger generations and emphasizing on its fundamental importance as part of physical education classes in schools.
Bulgarian Athletic Federation has worked in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Sports for developing a program called Development of Kids Athletics in Bulgaria which proved to be quite successful and has since increased the interest in Kids Athletics significantly. That particular collaboration lasted for 3 years: 2017-2018-2019. In 2020 yet another program was introduced, based on the idea and principles of Kids Athletics, which carried the name Discover 100 Athletic Talents Amongst the Kids in Bulgaria. We were pleased to register its success and popularity, despite the significantly influenced and complicated by the pandemic environment, as we were able to attract hundreds of kids to participate in it.
We were thus further stimulated to develop the initiative even more and make it bigger, so in 2021 we are introducing Discover 200 Athletic Talents among the Kids in Bulgaria, aiming to attract even more kid and raise their interest, as well as to keep those who have already participated in athletics. We will be following the philosophy behind Developing Kids Athletics in Bulgaria (in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Sports) and Kids Athletics (by World Athletics) and are hoping to monitor the same success that we have witnessed until now with our previous programs. In times that are as complicated as those of today, it is even more vital to keep the younger generations interested in physical activity and for them to be properly educated on how important it is for their physical and mental health.